McKinney Permanent Supportive Housing Programs
HOC proudly supports the McKinney Vento Permanent Supportive Housing Programs. The McKinneys are Housing First programs for Montgomery County residents who are homeless and at least one household member has a long term disability. Referrals come from the office of Services to End and Prevent Homelessness, Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS) in Montgomery County. Program funding comes from HUD and Montgomery County DHHS.
Program participants receive case management services with the goal of maintaining housing. Each household is unique and needs assessments are provided with linkages to services, treatment, furniture, transportation, medication assistance, child care and a variety of other household supports. The Program partners with a variety of community service providers in attempts to provide a holistic approach to housing stability.
McKinney PSH participants can utilize housing in Montgomery County which meets the HUD assigned Fair Market Rent, passes inspection and a rent reasonableness comparisson. Participants pay 30% of total gross household income towards rent.
The McKinney Programs are operated in collaboration with the Department of Health & Human Services Continuum of Care (CoC) under the Housing First Initiative to eliminate homelessness in Montgomery County.